22 brave souls ventured out despite the weather, a few without jackets – it drizzled all day! The new Gasser made its first appearance & wouldn’t start! After a few had a kick despite the button, Stoney threatened to get out the hammer, whereupon it burst into life on his second jab!
Off we finally went & soon caught up to Peter groaning by his pranged green meany. Too much instinctive front brake when he suddenly saw the lake across the sandy track & he went over the bars & landed back first on the embankment – his ride ended right there – a slight possibility of a broken rib meant we got his car to him & he drove himself to hospital.
On we went after about a half hour rest for the patient cornermen cooling down in the drizzle after warming up on the sandy woops. A different route via some of the usual tracks for a change took us to the first forest section where we were glad for a change that we had to stay on the main tracks as they were slippery enough as it was with the odd slide down here & there.
We had fun zooming through the forest sections despite the damp conditions & consequent poor visibility & eventually had a well earned respite at Meadows for lunch & fuel. Meanwhile Tom was at home finally putting EXC250 back together – the text came through at 2pm “it runs – YEAH