dirt bikes all the way. they r so much faster and easier to handle. they can go places quads cant and hitting tricks on a dirt bike is way better than on a quad
okay have you not kinda noticed this is a dirtbike website well as far as i can see most ppl on this own dirtbikes so what did you think they where goin to say.
ya i know this is a dirtbike website its just ive heard of a lot of atvs hear on the website, and to prove this go to polls and click on atv vrs dirtbike ull see what i mean
dirt bikes all the way. they
dirt bikes all the way. they r so much faster and easier to handle. they can go places quads cant and hitting tricks on a dirt bike is way better than on a quad
dirtbikes man, i shouldnt eve
dirtbikes man, i shouldnt even have to explain myself why
why even ask that question
why even ask that question
i agree
i agree anyone else? the yz is the key
dirtbikes all the way
dirtbikes are way better. they r lighter and faster makin them easier to ramp and flick around. atvs r way 2 heavy to do that with.
okay have you not kinda notic
okay have you not kinda noticed this is a dirtbike website well as far as i can see most ppl on this own dirtbikes so what did you think they where goin to say.
ya i know this is a dirtbik
ya i know this is a dirtbike website its just ive heard of a lot of atvs hear on the website, and to prove this go to polls and click on atv vrs dirtbike ull see what i mean
Def the dirtbike...they got p
Def the dirtbike...they got powerband dude...
why even ask the question of dirtbike vs. atv
But doin dounuts on a quad is fun. Wait what am i sayin dude just go wit the dirtbike..
already got a dirtbke, just c
already got a dirtbke, just curoise of what people think