so i jus got this bike a few months ago.
its been actin up alot.
it wont start now.
ive ridden it a few times
and when it first stopped working
so my dad took it over next door
and the guy told us is was our spark plug
so i cleaned it and sanded it and everything
and then it was working fine.
then yesterday i went to go ride
it and it didnt work
i took out the spark and it was fouled ..soo quickly...
so i cleaned it sanded it checked to see if it sparked
which it did. i checked the gas and all taht...
but yet it still doesnt work. im oober mad.
I WANNA RIDE!!!!!!!!!!
so can anyone help me with this??
should i take it in to the shop
or is there any way that i can work on it at home?
thanks alot!!!
btw itsz a ttr 125 yamaha
put a new spark plug in it an
put a new spark plug in it and clean the air filter and carb.
it BRAND NEW ive ridden it l
ive ridden it like 3 times...
so should i still check that?
well, fouled out plug after r
well, fouled out plug after riding. how do u ride? do u just put around or are u at wot all the time? a lot of times factory jetting in the carburetor can be off and of course they are jetted towards the rich side. hate to ask a stupid question, but u do know that a ttr125 is a 4 stroke and does not require any oil to be mixed with the gas. sorry if that sounds stupid but people do it. basically, if the bike is new and it is running rich then: you are not riding it in the correct rpm range it is jetted for, or you live in an excessively hot climate which will cause jetting issues, or u live at a high altitude, or you or the factory oiled your filter too much, or your filter is dirty or wet. i would start off by checking filter. if it is dirty then clean it and lightly oil it once dry. if you have cleaned your filter before and applied too much oil you can get a rich condition. if none of these are the problem then its time to rejet. fouled out plug suggests around 2 steps lower on the main and a step or 2 on the pilot. just look for anything restricting air flow before u go out and jet.
okay.. thanx. well ha ha i r
okay.. thanx.
well ha ha i really dont know alot about
my bike yet because i jus got it
like 2 months ago. and yah so but
i will try all of those. thanks for helping me out.
sorry i cant answer your question. but i will get
back to you on how it works out.